Kokebe Gebru, a retired military officer, was struck by a pickup truck while walking around the streets of Bishoftu, a city just South East of Addis Ababa. When hit, both of Kokebe’s legs were broken in multiple places. He was taken to a local hospital for a short period before ultimately being transferred to AaBET. As of our meeting, he has been in AaBET for 3 weeks, receiving X-Rays, CT scans, ultrasounds, blood workups, and medication for his injuries. He has more rounds of surgeries to go, with more fractures yet to be operated on. Currently, both his legs have external fixators attached. He says that his primary concern when getting discharged is the care of his sisters, and how he will pay for living expenses when home.

KU Fellow Returns to Zambia
After completing an international physician fellowship at the University of Kansas, Dr. Patrick Kinda has
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